On Love
A lover’s calling is to love. To love unconditionally.
Not to judge; not to pass judgments.
Do you know why you do not need to judge your beloved, lover?
Because someone else already has that job.
Who, you might ask?
Why, every single other blessed human being your beloved knows and encounters in their daily life. Your beloved is constantly being judged by others. They do not need you to join in the chorus of nitpickings, criticisms, and condemnations.
As a lover, your duty is to love.
To love unconditionally.
As in all things in life, there is a complimentary consideration. There are two sides to any coin.
As a lover, you have an intimacy with your beloved not shared by others. You are more closely involved with them than are those others who are constantly judging them. There is truth to the idea of knowing more about someone with whom you are intimate than they know about themself.
Sometimes a lover must help their beloved to see what they cannot see about themself, and to guide them away from harmful choices.
This is a delicate matter, as any lover knows. One does not wish to offend one’s beloved!
To stay silent while watching your beloved suffer from lack of self-awareness is an act of fear, however, not of love. So sometimes a lover must judge their beloved, for their own good.
But only gently, and always in the spirit of unconditional loving.
So sayeth the Buddha Bear!

2 thoughts on “On Love”
Well Written Steven. Happy New Year!
Love it. Well said.