Blog Retrospective

Blog Retrospective

It’s been over 7 years since I started this blog. That was in early 2017, when I was strongly motivated by political events at the time to jump back into posting about the generations and the social era, as I had done in an earlier blog in the 2000s. The mood shift was palpable, I suppose.

In the years since, I have blogged the most about the current social era, which I call a “Crisis Era,” in keeping with the generational theory of which I am an advocate. This is a tumultuous time of political conflict and realignment (as you’ve probably noticed) and there will surely be much to blog about in the future.

I’ve also blogged about my personal life, including topics such as work, leisure, family and relationships. If you are a long time reader, you got to see me move from North Carolina to Pennsylvania, and then live through the pandemic. It’s been a time of rapid change both for me personally and for the world at large.

One theme of this story has been my adjustment to being middle-aged. For my generation, Generation X, this means (hopefully) calming down – refraining from the wild and risky behavior of the past – and settling down – finding one’s roots after a life adrift. That is the life script of my generational archetype, and I truly believe that those of us who are successful at living that script will fare better once this era has come to an end, as all eras must do.

There are a still a few more years left of this Crisis Era, just as there a few more years left for me as a middle-aged person. In a couple of years, God willing, I will turn sixty, and not long afterward age into elderhood. Who knows what the world will look like then? I’m not sure what more I’ll have to blog about either. Maybe I’ll just start writing poetry or something like that.

For now, thank you, dear reader, for staying with me. I can’t promise you a bright future, just encourage you to keep your chin up, because we have a lot more change to live through.

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