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Month: July 2024

The Next Game on My Top 10 List

The Next Game on My Top 10 List

My next top 10 game is Axis & Allies, #5 on the top 10 list on my BGG profile. I’m making it my next blog post because I played it around the same time I was playing Magic: The Gathering, which was the first top 10 game I posted about. My preference was to play either the United States or Japan, and focus on the Pacific theater. I much preferred the naval maneuvering to the slog of the two-front war in Europe.

At the time that I played this game extensively, in the 1980s and 1990s, we didn’t have all the new versions available which focus on specific theaters or phases of the war, with all the new units and new rules. There were fan-made expansions available, with pieces that didn’t match the base game, but they were hard to come by.

While we liked Axis & Allies, my friends and I found the game as designed too restrictive. So we invented our own variant, where we played on home made maps, and set up our positions randomly, like you would in a game of Risk. Eventually we mixed in other games, and created a whole slew of new units using pieces from Fortress America and Supremacy. We called our Frankenstein monster of a wargame simply “The Game” and played it obsessively, and partied pretty hard while we did. Games would last all weekend long. Those sure were some great times, in a more carefree phase of my life.

So it was really The Game that I played extensively, not actually Axis & Allies, but that is why I put Axis & Allies on my top 10 list. I created a GeekList which breaks it all down, as best as I can remember it: Games that made up ‘The Game’.

I like that so many reimplementations and expansions to the original game have come out since the days when I played it. I did get a chance to play Axis & Allies: Pacific once (as the United States) and thorougly enjoyed it (possibly because I won). But for the most part I haven’t done much wargaming since the 2000s began. I don’t hang out with my old wargamer buddies any more; we’ve all moved far apart. So it goes in the life of a gamer.

My Top 10 Games, Starting with Magic

My Top 10 Games, Starting with Magic

Over on BoardGameGeek I have a list of my Top 10 Games. These are the board games that have been my favorites or that I have played the most over the years. I am putting together a GeekList that fills in the details of why I like each game and how it fits into my board game biography, and thought it made sense to share each entry here on the blog as well. They might be likelier to get read coming out one at a time, maybe once a week or so for a while.

So here is the first top 10 game, actually a card game, not a board game. It is #4 on the list on my BGG profile. And that game is…

Magic: The Gathering

This is the first and foremost in a category of games called “collectible card games” which feature a basic rule structure and a large assortment of cards. Players build their own decks out of the cards they buy, and can always get more (hence “collectible”) to enhance or modify their decks. You play games with these decks, with two or more players, though usually four or five is the limit. According to the AI generated search results I just read, as of early 2024 there are over 27,000 distinct Magic cards, so good luck trying to collect them all. You don’t need to do that, though, to have a good deck to play.

Magic: The Gathering debuted at GenCon in 1993, when I was still living in Virginia, prolonging my college party days. I still played lots of Dungeon and Dragons back then, and was only just beginning to be exposed to the new wave of board games coming out of Germany. I remember when Magic was introduced to our gaming circles, and the huge buzz it caused. I attended GenCon in Milwaukee in either 1994 or 1995, and recall the excitement in the air there from all the obsessed players.

The game was innovative for its time, and was hugely popular in my circles throughout the 1990s. Interestingly, it attracted most of the same people who were into D&D, probably because of the rich fantasy theme. I have many fond memories of late night D&D sessions as well as late night Magic games with the same groups. Even after those old game groups split up as people moved apart to carry on with their lives, we would occasionally get back together for a nostalgic weekend, and usually it was Magic that got played.

I moved around a bit at the turn of the century, and didn’t get to play Magic much for awhile. In the late 2000s I tried getting back into the game by going to game stores, but the vibe had changed. It was more about keeping up with the latest releases, spending the money to get the better cards, and making ruthless decks. The new generation was using new terms and playing by different rules than I remembered. I wrote a session report about one time I entered a tournament and found myself completely in over my head: Magic: The Gathering – My first tournament.

In 2010 I attended GenCon again, for the first time since the 90s. I didn’t play any Magic, but I was flabbergasted by how huge the room was where Magic was being played. Thousands of players dueling in an enormous warehouse type room. Just amazing how far the game had come. And I can tell you why it’s so popular: it’s a really good design. It has nice tension built into it with the way cards are played using mana from lands, and with the way it mixes the luck of the draw and the skill of good deck construction.

Throughout the 2010s I did have a few more gatherings with old friends in which a nice round or two of Magic got played. It was fun to break out the old decks and relive those carefree times. Whenever this would happen, I would get bit by the deckbuilding bug and spend some time on my own retooling my decks, only to stash them all away to wait for the next reunion in a year or two. One funny memory I have is of all us old timers sitting around the table at night playing Magic, but having to put on reading glasses and squint in the dim light to read our cards.

I’m happy to say that I am still playing Magic: The Gathering today. Lucky me, my stepson has recently gotten into it, and pulled his mother in as well. So I get to play with my family and my stepson’s friends. We play a format called Commander, which I personally like a lot. I like it beacuse the games tend to start slowly, so you can relish the build up, but then typically come to a crashing end without dragging on for too long, once the good combos of cards come out. We’ve bought quite a few preconstructed Commander decks, including some from licensed franchises, which we tweak a bit. I have a pretty mean Dalek deck from the Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond – Doctor Who product line.

I’m sure I will always be into playing Magic: The Gathering. I honestly believe that when my generation reaches old age, you will find us in retirmement homes still playing. We’ll be squinting through our reading glasses at our cards, grumbling about being mana screwed, and staying up way past our bedtimes. We Gen Xers live to have fun, and to indulge our imaginations, which is just what this game provides.

A Little PIZZAZ in My Scrabble Game

A Little PIZZAZ in My Scrabble Game

A couple of nights ago I was playing Scrabble with the girl, and I got to play a word I have been wanting to play in the game for as long as I can remember! I’m so thrilled by this that I just had to blog about it.

The word is “PIZZAZ” and the reason I have always wanted to play it is the tough requirements – since there is only one Z in Scrabble, and the word has three Zs, you have to use the Z and both blank tiles (which can be any letter) to play it. An unlikely scenario.

So in the game a few nights ago, I got a blank tile early on. Then, amazingly, I got the second blank tile (there are only two in the set). I also had an A, which is a common tile. I resolved not to use these three tiles, in case the Z became available. Then, shortly afterward, I drew the Z! This was the first game I have ever played where I had the three required tiles.

I searched the board for a place where the word might go, and saw that there was an I where the word would fit, and a P could be placed to turn UP into PUP as a connecting word. So if I could just get a P then I would be set.

Now, the girl and I play a very competitive game of Scrabble. The board was already a mess and it was hard to play words on it. The girl expressed her frustration with the set up, and I concurred, which pretty much happens every game we play. I also told her that I was set up for playing a word I had always wanted to play my whole life, and was playing with that goal in mind.

And then, a miracle happened. After taking a long time trying to find a good play, the girl resigned herself to a simple turn. She put a P in place next to the I, to make PI and PUP. She had set up my perfect word.

Thank you, I said, and placed my Z, A and two blanks. I put the real Z next to the triple word score space just to be nice.

There it was! The word of a lifetime!

I seriously wonder if the girl played the P because she was hearing my thoughts, and subconsciously aligning with my intentions. She actually consciously helped me play another word once, in a different game. The word was SEQUOIA. In that game, I revealed to her what the word I was going for was, and she made a play to set me up for it. She is such a sweetie.

In the case of PIZZAZ, I did not reveal the word to her, so it was fortuitous that she played the P. But maybe she picked up on my desire subconsciously. I have blogged before about how our intentions can affect what we might expect to be a random outcome.

By the way, if you are wondering about the spelling of pizzaz, usually spelled pizzazz, with four Zs – it is an alternate spelling and it is in Hasbro’s official Scrabble dictionary. The spelling with four Zs would be impossible to play in a standard game of Scrabble, unless you had some truly remarkable mind-bending powers.

Here is the board at end of game. The final score was 287-287, a draw.

This post was also published in modified form as a session report on BGG.

I Fell Down a Link Tree Rabbit Hole

I Fell Down a Link Tree Rabbit Hole

What does that even mean, “I fell down a link tree rabbit hole?” It sounds like an odd thing to say but it makes perfect sense in the context of today’s Internet.

You may have heard of Linktree, a site that lets you create a personalized page with links to your social media or to content you are promoting. Then you include the link to your linktree in you bio on your social media profiles, creating a web of connections. Anyone who comes to one of your profiles can easily find all your other ones. If anything changes, you only have to update the linktree page, not each and every profile bio.

It sounds like a great idea, and I’ve noticed people putting their linktrees in their bios so I figured, why not do it, too? I found the site, was surprised and delighted to discover that “stevebarrera” was not taken, and easily created an account. I started building my list of links, and that was when I tumbled down the rabbit hole.

Turns out I needed to make a lot of choices before my link in bio page was done! I had to pick colors and font for the links, decide if the thumbnails should be icons or images, and if there should be headers. I could put additional social media link icons on the top or bottom of the page. And then I had to go to the sites I was linking to, and figure out where to put the link back to the link tree on those pages, where appropriate.

Overall, I had to come up with a sort of branding for my Internet self – how I wanted to present myself how I wanted to prioritize the links. So here’s what I came up with – take a look:

You can easily make your own link tree for your profile bios. There are other options out there as well, like AllMyLinks and Campsite, and many more.

A Plea for Our Democracy

A Plea for Our Democracy

I have argued on this blog already that we are in a political era of partisan conflict between two factions, in which the stakes are power and control and the arguing is essentially over. It’s all about solidarity now, what Ibn Khaldun called “group feeling.” That’s why it’s a really bad idea for one of the factions to be turning against their own candidate at the eleventh hour. I don’t think a Presidential debate was really necessary, but it happened and there is no going back. Seriously, Biden got flustered facing an opposing candidate who is a pathological liar and expert baiter. That’s all, get over it.

The MAGA faction now controls one of the branches of the United States government, the Supreme Court. They are close to capturing a second branch, the U.S. Congress. And they have a Presidential candidate who commands massive loyalty; it make no difference that he is a convicted felon and a disgusting human being. The point is the MAGA faction has the solidarity to potenitally propel their candidate into a second term as President, this time shielded by the Supreme Court and more prepared to implement policy.

The MAGA faction has a plan should they take the Presidency, which you probably have heard of if not seen – Project 2025. It essentially rolls back the New Deal and aligns the federal government to Christian beliefs. The project’s leader has stated that “[W]e are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” Meaning they understand the stakes.

If what you want is a dictatorial President persecuting minorities and enforcing religious law, well I guess you know which faction you are in. If you are in the other faction (full disclosure, that’s the one I’m in) then I must reiterate that what is needed now is solidarity. That’s what it takes to win this power struggle.

Let me repeat what I wrote in an earlier post on this topic, written in May of 2022:

Which faction is currently favored in the conflict? A few years back I would have speculated that the red zone faction, rallying around former President Trump, had a stronger group feeling. They really seemed to have a greater solidarity of purpose than the blue zone faction, split between its progressives and moderates. But after the failed coup attempt in early 2021, my sense is that the strength of their faction just wasn’t quite enough to achieve superiority, and now they are on the defensive. However, I would note, as Khaldun might put it, that the red zone has been more clever at manipulating the laws of royal authority to favor their faction.

The Supreme Court decision granting the former President immunity from criminal prosecution was just such a manipulation of the laws, as was the way they maneuvered their judges into position in the court in the first place. This does not bode well for the blue faction. Luckily, awareness of this seems to have galvanized Democrats, and Project 2025 is now all over the media. But awareness and fear are not enough; they must translate into action at the ballot box. We must not allow ourselves to be cowed by negativity from profit-seeking media outlets.

Probably if you are reading this post you are in the blue faction, as I am, based on my social network and who is likely to see this in their feed. Or maybe you think of yourself as not in a faction; but let me tell you, this is not the time for voter apathy or for a protest vote. Save that for a calmer era.

At this time, we need common purpose to resist a MAGA takeover. Should they win both the White House and Congress in this year’s elections, it is over for democracy in the United States. There will be no way to vote them out after that.

If you are reeling from the danger that we are in, that’s understandable. Remember that this is all part of a generational cycle. We are in a Crisis Era, a phase in the cycle in which the external world is reshaped. This includes political institutions, which is exactly what we are witnessing happenning. The MAGA faction has their plan to reshape the government, plain to see.

If you would rather have a government that upholds the rights of women and minorities, and respects the separation of church and state, then you must resist now, while you still can. You must vote for Democrats in the 2024 election. If you are not registered to vote, please register and vote Democrat. It is the only way to save our nation.

The Apotheosis is Upon Us!

The Apotheosis is Upon Us!

Aileen, the vagabond gal who has been doing theater her whole life, continues each summer to direct a show with the Arts Bubble. Last summer was City of Angels, which was Tiernan’s first lead role and he was excellent at it. This summer was a newly available show, with Tiernan in multiple supporting roles, and really it’s just a whole lot of fun. Below is my mini-review and promotional post.

The Arts Bubble Presents: The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals

I hope you can make the time this week to see Starkid’s The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, presented by The Arts Bubble at Cosmic Art Studios in Pottstown, PA, because you don’t want to miss this amazing production. The Arts Bubble continues its tradition of putting on the cool shows that no one else does, and in this case are presenting a regional premiere of a show whose rights recently released. If you are familiar with the Starkid show from their online channels and come to see The Arts Bubble’s production, you will be delighted by the matching set design, and by the leads expertly capturing the characterizations of the original performances. You will also enjoy how well The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals works with a much larger cast. If you are not familiar, well, I don’t want to spoil the show for you. I’ll just say it’s like a campy old sci-fi B-movie, except it’s a darkly humorous musical, and it’s a lot of fun. The Arts Bubble makes excellent use of the generous space on the second floor of Cosmic Art Studios, and gives its audience fantastic performances, with a live band and plenty of thrills and laughs. The show does have some strong language and mature themes, but it stays (just barely) at a PG-13 rating. The audience clearly loved it on opening night, and if you want to be entertained as well, then make sure to reserve your tickets now! It’s “pay what you can afford” but you do need to reserve a seat (see the link below).

Remaining performances are Tuesday July 2 at 7pm, Friday July 5 at 6pm, Saturday July 6 at 2pm, and Sunday July 7 at 2pm, at Cosmic Art Studios, 310 E High St, Pottstown, PA, 19464.