Cleaned up the Old Web 1.0 Site

Cleaned up the Old Web 1.0 Site

I still maintain my old vanity site from the early Internet era. Hand crafted HTML, no less.

I just went through and cleaned up all the links, replacing or eliminating the dead ones. I thought about updating the content – a lot of culture commentary and political ranting, mostly coming out of the Bush era – but found that for the most part it feels relevant, now that we are in the Trump era. I just made a few tweaks here and there.

I was amazed at how few dead links there were. Sometimes I had to search again for news articles, but they were still there, just with a modified URL. A lot of times, though, they were still there with the same URL I used fifteen years ago or more. A lot of those old dot com sites are still up and presenting the same content.

Now, in my linking, I had relied heavily on Wikipedia, IMDB, and even direct Google searches – a clever way to get around links going dead. So that saved me a lot of effort.

Just took me a couple of days to get through, multitasking it while at work. So I guess I’ll keep this site up then.

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